Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mom's On the Plane

My mom comes to visit for a week starting today. She'd be here in about 15 minutes if she hadn't missed her flight! Not her fault, the plane left Detroit late. She got in and ran like crazy in O'Hare but had to get to another terminal so she made it just as they were shutting the doors. She got on the next flight and will leave Chicago in about 15 minutes and get in around 2:45pm. Brayden and I keep clapping and singing 'Grandma's coming to visit'; Camden just grins and claps his hands at our singing and jumping around like loons. We'll see if Cam gives her the evil eye like he did in the car last fall after I picked them up at the airport!

I will try to post pictures of moms visit but don't want to take away too much precious short time we have with her so don't be upset if pics don't get posted until after she leaves!

Everyone have a great week; I know we will!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Janine said...

Have a great time with your mom!!!!