Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So I've posted a couple of times and was going to try to explain why it had been so long since I had posted any pics in one of those postings but it didn't seem to fit with the topic. So I am going to just post an explanation all by itself.

As you can see I didn't post one thing in the month of February. If I would have posted it would have gone something like this........

Posting option #1: It is so freakin' cold in the d--- state. Why did my husband move us here. I am going INSANE sitting in this house because the high today is -10 degrees!

Posting option #2: Well they are sick AGAIN! That makes it almost 3 straight weeks of runny noses, ear infections, inhalation treatments, etc..... I don't leave the house except in the evening after Jared is home and we've put the kids to bed. Does anyone have a guess to what the temp is AFTER the sun goes down when the high for the day was 1 degree??!?!? It's the kind of cold that makes your jeans feel like they might shatter if you hit them with a grocery bag hard enough! Yes, I unloaded plenty of groceries many different times during these frigid nights! One thing I learned about myself, when I've been shut in with 2 sick whiney kids all day, I have no problem being outside in
-20 degrees loading groceries in my car. I even take the time to return the cart to the store or coral just so I can spend a few extra minutes away from my house! The following is the ONLY picture I took the WHOLE month of February! Note: he is smiling!

Posting option #3: I was sitting in my living room on one of the first nights where the temps were going way down and I hear a really loud bang. The kind of bang that makes you jump and freeze up at the same time. I look over at Jared who's asleep on the couch thinking he had to wake up with that noise; he didn't! So I woke him up and said "I think a deer just ran into the back of our house". I know it sounds silly, but I couldn't think of any other explanation (besides I was exhausted from the sick kids). He finds nothing but announces how cold it is outside! I didn't hear the noise every night but when the temps really dropped I would hear it. Turns out when it gets that cold out, houses will 'pop'. Again, where the h--- did my husband move me to where house 'complain' because it is so cold!!!!! The scientific reason; the wood contracts and the water in the wood expands and where two pieces of wood meet they will move and pop. Doesn't do any damage but it is unnerving to hear. On one of the record days/nights for cold (-40 degrees) I had to turn the radio up just to cover all the noise so my poor dog would stop hiding! By the way on that record cold night Jared was out of town (probably in Texas!!!) and I had to take the dog out. Yes -40 degrees does feel A LOT colder than -20 degrees, even though Minnesotans say it doesn't.

So as you can see if I would have posted it wouldn't have been very pleasant. I can look back and laugh and make jokes but at the time I really was just plain fed up!!!!! So for future reference, I hear Minnesota is brutal in February (this was the worse it had been in 7 years) so don't plan on hearing much from me during that month. Or if you do just remember I'm going through a BAD case of cabin fever and don't hold it against me!


Jodi said...

That really WAS an awesome post! I'm glad you decided to share it after all! Have a great weekend. I assume you can get out on weekends, right...?

Kristin said...

You are officially off the hook for anything that happens in the month of February. I hope spring has sprung in MN!